28 de agosto de 2013

-Male and Female He created-

President Vladimir Putin recently signed another law that restricts the adoption of Russian children by people living in countries that recognize same-sex marriage.

As a Christian Orthodox, President Putin has been making really good decisions concerning this ¨polemic¨ conflict. In my opinion, I surely am in agreement with Putin´s  point of view, because God created man and woman so that they together partake the duty of being parents. If a kid is raised in a same-sex family, he or she won´t be blessed to have both of the following: the love and advice a mother offers and the knowledge a father gives throughout time, they could experience only one of these two.

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27

Nobody is born gay because God is perfect and doesn't make mistakes. He didn't accidentally make somebody gay.

Pitifully, globally homosexuality has been accepted at most in Spain (88%), Germany (87%), the Czech Republic (80%) and Canada (80%). A smaller majority of people in the United States (60%) also thought it should be accepted.


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