28 de febrero de 2014

Situation in Ukraine

(CNN) - The world's eyes may have been focused on the breathtakingly fast political changes unfolding in Ukraine's capital Kiev this week, but it is the Crimean peninsula, where dozens of gunmen raised the Russian flag over parliament Thursday, that should now be the primary source of concern for Ukraine's fledgling government and world leaders.

Crimea is an autonomous republic whose history has long been marred by political tension. Gifted to Ukraine by Soviet Union leader Nikita Khrushchev in 1954, its population is ethnic Russian by just over half and Ukrainian by a quarter, while more than ten percent are Crimean Tatars who are fiercely anti-Russian as a result of Joseph Stalin's repression of the group a half century ago.

The situation in Ukraine, specially in Kiev, is critic. Insted of getting to an accord to stop the disturbances, they are not solving anything. As Chriatians, our obligation is to be constantly praying for them. Until they turn their eyes to Christ, their sitution will remain unchanged.

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