31 de enero de 2014

White House combats 'cruel Catch-22' for long-term jobless

President Barack Obama announced more federal initiatives Friday to help the unemployed caught in the “cruel catch-22” of long-term joblessness.
“The longer you’re unemployed, the more unemployable you may seem,” Obama said, announcing a partnership with business executives who have set “best principles” designed to keep employers from discriminating against the jobless

Barack Obama is making a good action by trying to fing jobs to every American without a job. He' getting into the citizens shoes by providing decent jobs. With this activity many families will be beneficiated.

No drugs found in Justin Bieber's plane ib N.J.

A private airplane connected to pop star Justin Bieber was held and searched on Friday at New Jersey's Teterboro Airport, but no contraband was found, law enforcement sources with knowledge of the situation confirmed to NBC News.
Bieber was on board the plane, which arrived at Teterboro from Toronto. Officials told NBC News that they executed their authority to conduct a border search because the plane entered from Canada and there was suspicion that there was marijuana on board. 
Bieber, 19, has spent the last month dealing with police in several U.S. cities and in his home country of Canada. On Jan. 23, he was arrested in Miami Beach, Florida on DUI, resisting arrest, and driving with an expired license charges following an alleged drag racing incident. A toxicology report showed he had marijuana and Xanax in his system when he was arrested.

JB is just 19 years old, and he's living a crazy live. Instead of being studying in college, he's wasting his valuable days as a teen and doing bad stuff. All of his young fans can also be influenced, in a bad way, with the decisions he's taking. He is a bad example and a bad role model each and every teen.

24 de enero de 2014

EU official meets Ukraine's Yanukovych amid protest stalemate

Kiev, Ukraine (CNN) -- A senior European Union official met with Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych on Friday, amid an uneasy political stalemate after days of clashes between police and protesters.
Opposition leaders have demanded the resignation of the government and early elections.
Yanukovych's presidential website reported his meeting with Commissioner for EU Enlargement Stefan Fule but gave no detail of what was discussed.
Boxer-turned-opposition leader Vitali Klitschko said outside mediation was needed if any progress is to be made in talks between the opposition and government.
"International mediators must be involved in any discussion of the crisis in Ukraine," he said.

Here is an informational war going on. Most of commentaries on this news don't even show that modern Ukraine was created by Lenin, and that being 'slave' in USSR ment making rockets, building nuclear carriers and being more prosperous then the rest of the country.
22 years of independence, and we see the richest republic of USSR close to economical collapse, choosing it's master, who would agree to pay for 'Freedom'.

Goldie Hawn: Troubles of young stars like Justin Bieber 'heartbreaking'

(CNN) -- Actress Goldie Hawn says world leaders are discovering how "mindfulness" helps with stress -- but that she despairs at seeing young stars like Justin Bieber struggling to deal with fame.
Hawn explained how she believed a healthy mind could lead to healthy decision making."When the brain is silent, the executive function, which is this part of the brain that makes decisions can work much better. So when you get quiet you make better decisions, you're also more rested -- you're not as reactive," she said. "So it's actually great for the economy, great for our leadership and our thought leaders." When asked about Justin Bieber, the Canadian pop star facing allegations of driving under the influence and drag racing, Hawn said his situation was "heartbreaking."

JB´s was recently emprisoned. Is not that I am glad for that, but it´s already time for he to think about what´s he´s doing with his life. He´s more lost than a needle in a haystack. he urgently need´s God´s Word and accept God´s unending love.

17 de enero de 2014

Controversial execution in Ohio uses new drug combination

(CNN) -- Ohio inmate Dennis McGuire appeared to gasp and convulse for roughly 10 minutes before he died Thursday by lethal injection using a new combination of drugs, reporters who witnessed it said.
McGuire was convicted in 1994 of the rape and murder of 22-year-old Joy Stewart, who was seven months pregnant. Her relatives were at Southern Ohio Correctional Facility in Lucasville to witness his death, according to tweets from television reporter Sheila Gray.
McGuire's "children and daughter-in-law were crying and visibly upset," Gray tweeted.
She said McGuire, before the drugs took effect, thanked Stewart's family for a letter he apparently received.
"To my children, I'm sorry. I love you. I'm going to heaven and I'll see you there when you come," McGuire reportedly said, according to CNN affiliate WDTN.
Columbus Dispatch reporter Alan Johnson said that the whole execution process took 24 minutes, and that McGuire appeared to be gasping for air for 10 to 13 minutes.
"He gasped deeply. It was kind of a rattling, guttural sound. There was kind of a snorting through his nose. A couple of times, he definitely appeared to be choking," WDTN quoted Johnson as saying.

Personally, I am not in favor with execution, since God is the giver and taker of our lives. This misfortune that happened to Mr. McGuire, I wouldn´t wish it to anyone. He suffered more than the letal injection should have taken to kill him. It´s sad to know about her family´s lost, but what´s even worse is that we are not sure if he accept Christ as his Savior. Even though he did many awful things in his past, if he genuinely asked for forgiveness, God is mercyful.

Winner of black rhino hunting auction gets $350,000

Dallas (CNN) -- Corey Knowlton is on edge sitting inside a Las Vegas hotel room, surrounded by a private security detail, explaining why he spent $350,000 for the chance to hunt a black rhinoceros in the southern African nation of Namibia.
"If I sound emotional, it's because I have people threatening my kids," Knowlton told CNN. "It's because I have people threatening to kill me right now [that] I'm having to talk to the FBI and have private security to keep my children from being skinned alive and shot at."
Knowlton was outed over social media as the winner of the Dallas Safari Club's auction for a black rhino hunting permit from the Namibian government last weekend. It didn't take long for the threats and vitriol to start pouring in.
"You are a BARBARIAN. People like you need to be the innocent that are hunted," posted one woman on Knowlton's Facebook page.
Some sounded even more sinister. "I find you and I will KILL you," read another threat. "I have friends who live in the area and will have you in there sights also," wrote another commenter.

Rhinos are considered a specie in danger of extinction; therefore, if my opinion is not nule, it shouldn´t be legal the practice of this activity. They are living creatures and they have the right to live. I´ve always considered myself a defensor of animals and seeing all this cruel murders makes me think about how everything would change if we get up to a point in which many animals extinct.

10 de enero de 2014

Berlusconi's step-dog joins Italian campaign against illegal New Year fireworks

Italy's most famous pet, Dudu the poodle, is urging Italians to stop the New Year's Eve practice of setting off powerful fireworks which kill and wound several every year.

The annual campaign to stop Italians letting off frequently fatal fireworks on New Year’s Eve has found a unusual new front man in Dudu, the fluffy poodle belonging to Silvio Berlusconi’s fiancée.

It would be a good idea that campaigns like this were practiced in my country, Honduras, since every Christmas many innocent children die or get wound beacause of the irresponsible use of fireworks. The kids have not the fault, parents do. How can a kid be left alone with this powerful things? If parents would be more responsible at the time their children use fireworks, tragic deaths in kids wouldn't be so often in our country.

Teen dies stopping suicide bomber at school in Pakistan

A 14 year old boy is now considered a hero after having saved many many of his classmates when a bomb was placed in their school. The ninthgrader Aitazaz Hassan, tackled the suicide bomber; but sadly he was killed while trying to stop the bomber from detoning the bomb. The bomber was wearing their same school uniform, that's why he entered the school freely. He also died during the fight with Aitazaz.

Personally, I feel very sad for this young Pakistan boy even though I didn't know him. I'm not sure if he was a Christian, but by the attitude he assumed toward his classmates, he demonstrates how much he cared for others, up to a point in which he gave his life for them. It's really sad to hear about these people trying to detone bombs with the purpose of killing innocent children and teens. They really need to hear about God's Word, since pmaybe they've never heard about His unending love. This people urgently need someone to care about them; the only One who could change their lives, is Christ!