17 de enero de 2014

Winner of black rhino hunting auction gets $350,000

Dallas (CNN) -- Corey Knowlton is on edge sitting inside a Las Vegas hotel room, surrounded by a private security detail, explaining why he spent $350,000 for the chance to hunt a black rhinoceros in the southern African nation of Namibia.
"If I sound emotional, it's because I have people threatening my kids," Knowlton told CNN. "It's because I have people threatening to kill me right now [that] I'm having to talk to the FBI and have private security to keep my children from being skinned alive and shot at."
Knowlton was outed over social media as the winner of the Dallas Safari Club's auction for a black rhino hunting permit from the Namibian government last weekend. It didn't take long for the threats and vitriol to start pouring in.
"You are a BARBARIAN. People like you need to be the innocent that are hunted," posted one woman on Knowlton's Facebook page.
Some sounded even more sinister. "I find you and I will KILL you," read another threat. "I have friends who live in the area and will have you in there sights also," wrote another commenter.

Rhinos are considered a specie in danger of extinction; therefore, if my opinion is not nule, it shouldn´t be legal the practice of this activity. They are living creatures and they have the right to live. I´ve always considered myself a defensor of animals and seeing all this cruel murders makes me think about how everything would change if we get up to a point in which many animals extinct.

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