10 de enero de 2014

Berlusconi's step-dog joins Italian campaign against illegal New Year fireworks

Italy's most famous pet, Dudu the poodle, is urging Italians to stop the New Year's Eve practice of setting off powerful fireworks which kill and wound several every year.

The annual campaign to stop Italians letting off frequently fatal fireworks on New Year’s Eve has found a unusual new front man in Dudu, the fluffy poodle belonging to Silvio Berlusconi’s fiancée.

It would be a good idea that campaigns like this were practiced in my country, Honduras, since every Christmas many innocent children die or get wound beacause of the irresponsible use of fireworks. The kids have not the fault, parents do. How can a kid be left alone with this powerful things? If parents would be more responsible at the time their children use fireworks, tragic deaths in kids wouldn't be so often in our country.

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