18 de octubre de 2013

"Dean Karnazes hopes to inspire Greece with marathon effort"

The ultra-marathon expert, described by some as the fittest man on Earth, is running from Arcadia to Messinia to highlight child obesity in Greece.

Dean Karnazes is not a man to shy away from challenges: like Pheidippides, the original marathon runner who delivered the news of the Greek army's victory over invading Persian forces, he doesn't give up.

Seven years ago, he ran 50 marathons in 50 consecutive days from one coast of the US to the other. Before that he spent three days and three nights running 350 miles – the last night "sleep running" as he went. He has crossed all four of the world's great deserts, including Death Valley, the hottest place on Earth. And he's run through sub-zero temperatures to get to the south pole, the coldest place. In 2015, he hopes to traverse the world by clocking up marathons throughout the year in 204 countries.

But now the Californian has set his sights on crisis-hit Greece, the land of his forebears, where he arrived this week on a mission of endurance and hope.

"I come with a message," he said on the first day of his first visit to the Greek capital. "And that is that you are better than you think and you can go further than you think. The only limits you have are you own preconceived notions of what you can't, and can, do."

If the world had more Dean Karnazes´, I am sure that everything would be different. His optimistic, persintence and desire for improvement makes the different. I don´´t know his values, if he is Christian or not; but he absolutely has been taught the importance excellence and self-steem has in our lives. His attitude is a really good example and speaks for himself.
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. Colossians 3:23-24.

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