4 de octubre de 2013

"Gay couple´s daughter expelled"

(CNN) -- They're a family of two fathers and one daughter. Until recently, they had lived a quiet life in an upper-class neighborhood in the Mexican city of Monterrey. But they're now at the center of a national gay rights debate in Mexico.

Their 2-year-old daughter, the couple says, was expelled from a private school in Monterrey for having two fathers.
Alex and Pepe were married in Mexico City, where same-sex marriage is legally sanctioned. They asked CNN not to make their last names public to protect their daughter's identity.
Alex, a 28-year-old who works in marketing and sales, is the girl's biological father. Pepe is a 39-year-old broker with a degree from the University of Miami.
The couple says an administrator at The Hills Institute, which also has a daycare facility, told them they would have to hide the fact that they're a same-sex couple if they wanted the girl to stay at their school.
"They were asking me to give up all of my rights as parent at the school," Alex told Telediario Monterrey, a local independent TV station. "I would've had to not participate in school or social activities. I was to not communicate with anybody nor attend together, as a family, Mother's Day or Father's Day celebrations as long as she was attending the school."
The couple found the conditions unacceptable and the school called the parents to the school a few days later only to give them the news that girl had been officially expelled.
Personally, I am really sorry for the kind of future this gay couple is giving to her daughter. At her young age of two, we already see the first consequence of her parents actions. She was expelled from her daycare, having no fault for the directors decision.
1 Corinthians 6:9-10
Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.
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