4 de octubre de 2013

"Greek police will be rid of 'any racist elements"

By Mick Krever and Annabel Archer, CNN
Greece is determined to rid its police of “any racist elements,” Public Order Minister Nikos Dendias told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour on Thursday.

“We have ordered a full-scale investigation by the internal department of the Greek police,” Dendias said. “Please allow me to say that we are adamant in our target to clean up the Greek police from any racist elements.”

Elements of the Greek police have been widely criticized as not only targeting minority groups, but being complicit with right-wing groups like the Golden Dawn, which has a neo-Nazi following.
Greece has seen a rise in racist attacks, which are up 20% according over last year, according to the head Greece’s National Commission for Human Rights.

But the dire economic situation in Egypt, Dendias said, is no excuse.

“Unemployment does exist. An economic crisis does exist. The Greek people, the Greek society is under considerable stress,” Dendias told Amanpour from Athens. “But that is no excuse, and it will not be accepted as the excuse for the reappearance of a neo-Nazi phenomenon. Neo-Nazism is completely unacceptable.”

Prosecutors are cracking down on Golden Dawn, charging the top leadership with running a criminal organization.

The action is largely seen as a response to last month’s killing on an anti-fascist musician; he was stabbed, allegedly, but a Golden Dawn supporter.

My point of view according this happening in Greece, is that racism exists everywhere. There´s not a place where we can feel free from it. We have not the right to judge other people, only God can do it. We are humans and commit mistakes; therefore, we can´t judge other´s errors.

John 7:24
Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment.”


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