15 de noviembre de 2013

Should Our Daughters Come to Our (Gay) Wedding?

One morning when I was making breakfast before school, my second-grade daughter, fresh off her school’s diversity unit on homosexuality, decided it was time I had a lesson in gay rights. First, she said, you should never use the word “gay” in a negative way, as in “That’s so gay!” Very interesting, I said, plotting to push a little deeper into this intriguing topic. So what is “gay,” I asked? Gay is when two boys like each other, and lesbian is when two girls like each other, she explained. Did she know anyone who was gay or lesbian, I asked? “I’m pretty sure I’m a lesbian because all my friends are girls,” she declared. Did she know anyone else? “Well, Larry only plays with boys, so he must be gay.” Anyone else? Nope.

Now I happened to know that she was acquainted with at least two other gay people, so I reminded her about them. “How about me and your Dad?” I asked. She thought a minute, then shrugged her shoulders. “Oh, yeah.”

Of course, our girls (now ages 8 and 10), know we’re gay. We’ve certainly never hidden it from them, as if two guys out for a walk with a BabyBjörn and a MacLaren would be inconspicuous, even in the liberal cocoon of Upper West Side Manhattan. It’s just that while “gay” in school might be singled out for special consideration, at home we’re just our girls’ dads. No adjectives need apply.
Yet in the last month or so I’ve been wondering if our daughters’ blissful nonchalance about our sexuality was in danger of dissolving. Now that the Supreme Court has cleared the way for us to marry — and the feds have agreed to adjust the tax code and other laws accordingly — we’ll soon head to City Hall to get hitched. The question is: Should we invite the girls to the blessed event?

First of all, God created man and woman; therefore, they shouldn´t get married. They are ruining their daughter´s life. I feel so sad for them, because hearing all this things their parents teach them,  and knowing they are so mistaken. Since they are their parents, the girls will be sure that their parent´s gay marriage is something normal and a good decisión. The girl´s life will be marked forever with that mistaken conception about life. In my opinión, the girls shouldn´t go into their marriage, but the best thing would be their parents to understand that God created man and woman, not man and man relationships.

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27.


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