22 de noviembre de 2013

Sochi 2014: Gay athlete promises openly defiant stance at Games

CNN) -- He's unlikely to break a world record or even win a medal but New Zealand's Blake Skjellerup is likely to generate plenty of headlines if he gets to February's Winter Olympics.
The speed skater is currently the only openly gay athlete who could compete in Sochi, at a Games already tinged by Russia's controversial laws on homosexuality.
The June ruling prohibits the distribution of information to minors promoting same-sex relationships and the public discussion of gay rights, but Skjellerup has promised not to shy away from the issue.
Instead, he's planning to tackle it head on.

Is there any reason why some people don't want to respect the principles and laws of other countries? Imagine if Russia, by hosting the games, must all of a sudden abide by the laws of all competing countries? Your sexuality is a private affair.. or isn't it?

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27

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