15 de noviembre de 2013

Would the Mafia target Pope Francis over Vatican reforms?

(CNN) -- "I don't know if organized criminals have the capability to do something to the Pope. But they are certainly thinking about it."

These words, uttered in a recent interview by an Italian anti-Mafia prosecutor, don't quite justify the alarming worldwide headlines they provoked, but at the same time it would be rash to dismiss them out of hand.
The new Pope represents a serious threat to some established criminal interests at a critical moment in the long history of the Mafias' relationship with Catholicism -- a past marked by both intimacy and violence.
The Pope has nothing to do with their problems. I don´t understand why they want to make him pay, something he´s not responsible for. And even if he was responsable for something he´d made, we are not call to take revenge in our enemies.The mafia should feel embarrased for their way of thinking toward a Chatolic authority.
Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord. Romans 12:19

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