27 de marzo de 2014

Controversial Biblical Movies

2014 promises a number of epic tales from the Bible, the latest being "Noah," starring Russell Crowe and Jennifer Connelly (out March 28). But not everyone is happy with the depictions in faith-based films. While "Noah" makes clear it's merely "inspired by" the Biblical story, that hasn't stopped the outpouring of concern and anger from those sensitive to the source material. Even before "Noah" hit theaters, it was banned in several Middle Eastern countries for contradicting the teachings of Islam with its portrayal of a prophet. 

Before having seing the movie, we can't assume what the movie us trying to portray; therefore, I can't comment since I haven't seen it yet. It can't be absolutely as the Bible story, I'm sure it has some slight differences but as long as they don't add something the Bible doesn't say, there's not problem.

Russia might invade Ukraine

A new classified intelligence assessment concludes it is more likely than previously thought that Russian forces will enter eastern Ukraine, CNN has learned.Two administration officials described the assessment but declined to be identified due to the sensitive nature of the information.The officials emphasized that nothing is certain, but there have been several worrying signs in the past three to four days.“This has shifted our thinking that the likelihood of a further Russian incursion is more probable than it was previously thought to be,” one official said.The buildup is seen to be reminiscent of Moscow’s military moves before it went into Chechnya and Georgia in both numbers of units and their capabilities.U.S. military and intelligence officials have briefed Congress on the assessment.

Maybe this problem seems small, but if it continues developing it can turn into a Civil War, but we should pray for that not to happen. Russia is seriously concidering invading Ukraine; therefore, they should be alert for any hint of invasion.

20 de marzo de 2014

Rape as a Weapon in Syria

A pervasive pattern of rapes has been documented in Syria that is leading not only to the destruction of communities and families and displacement, but also to incalculable despair on the personal level. Frequently, women and girls who are raped face familial and social rejection, severe and sometimes incurable injuries, and unwanted pregnancies.
Further, the ability of impregnated rape victims to receive all necessary medical care is thwarted by United States abortion restrictions on humanitarian aid to Syria and surrounding countries. This results in the denial of safe abortion services, and victims sometimes resort to unsafe abortion and even suicide.
The media can help by pointing out the use of rape as a weapon of war wherever it occurs.

We are evidently living in the "last days" because now we can see human´s depravation growing stronger each day. We can´t prevent bad things to happen, but what we can do is pray for those people suffering from rape.

China has new images showing object in southern Indian Ocean

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (CNN) -- China announced that it has satellite images of a large object floating in the search area for the missing Malaysia Airlines plane, but Australian-led search teams found no sign of it Saturday.
Another day of intense searches by air and sea concluded for the night with no new clues to give families answers about the fate of the passengers and crew.
The object the Chinese photographed is 22.5 meters long and 13 meters wide (74 feet by 43 feet), officials said.
China said the satellite images showing the "suspected floating object" were captured four days ago, on March 18.

While I was reading the news, I found out that countries from central Asia to Australia are also engaged in the search along an arc drawn by authorities based on satellite pings received from the plane hours after it dissapeared. 
"We intend to continue the search until we are absolutely satisfied that further searching would be futile, and that day is not in sight," the deputy prime minister said. "We will continue the effort, we'll continue to liaise with our international allies in this search."
As everytime, there´s also people who distort the information by trying to prove this objects were ovnis.

14 de marzo de 2014

Six dead in China stabbing spree

Six people died after an argument between two vendors led to a stabbing spree at a market in .Hunan province in central China on Friday morning

People keep dying in China for ridiculous aspects such as the one mentioned before, but the root problem I believe is their lack of Christ's love. We are not perfect, but without him we are worst. This rash of violence will stop until we search more about him with our open hearts.

Airplanes "dissapeared"

While such situations are rare, the puzzling disappearance of Malaysia Flight 370 is not the first time a plane has vanished without a trace. Here are some cases of mysterious plane disappearances and disasters. Some remain unsolved, decades later.

2014: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370The Boeing 777 passenger jet vanished early Saturday, about an hour into its flight from the Malaysian capital to Beijing. There was no distress call before contact with it was lost over the sea between Malaysia and Vietnam. Search teams from various nations are combing the waters on the Malay Peninsula for traces of it, but so far, nothing has been found. The mystery over the fate of the jet and the 239 people aboard has baffled government officials and aviation experts.2009: Air France Flight 447The Airbus A330 took off from Rio de Janeiro en route to Paris on May 31, 2009. A few hours later, as it crossed the Atlantic, it told control center its position.That was the last contact with the plane. Its last known position -- two to four days by ship from the nearest ports -- and the ocean's depth hindered searches.It took almost two years before the bulk of the wreckage, the majority of bodies, and the voice and data recorders were recovered. All 228 aboard died.In 2012, French authorities said ice crystals disrupted the system used to determine the plane's airspeed, causing the autopilot to disconnect. The plane plunged into the ocean.

Personally, I don't believe that much in these theories. How could a gigantic metal piece dissapear in the nothing? They also relate this "mysteries"to ovnis, which I also dissagre with. We should only trust God, He is the only One who know everything.

7 de marzo de 2014

Two abortion clinics closed in Texas

People, have you noticed that the news has been really depressing lately? These are the times when you come to understand why there’s so much interest in watching kitten videos. Do you think it’s the weather?
Consider Texas, where two more abortion clinics were forced to close this week. If the courts don’t intervene, by the end of the year Texas may be down to six places where a woman can go to end a pregnancy. That’s in a state of 268,000 square miles, with 26 million people.

I feel glad about the initiation Texas is taking concerning abortion. Even though two is a little number comaring all the clinics used to abort, it may mark the beginning of a new time.

Disturbing tales emerge from Crimea

(CNN) - Unidentified men attack journalists, brandishing guns, and snatch cameras. Local television channels are suddenly blocked or replaced. An international news organization is told by a hotel manager to stop broadcasting.

  • These are just some tales from the field in Crimea, the embattled Ukrainian peninsula that's at the heart of the struggle between Moscow, Kiev and the West.

    Personally, I'm realy worried about the situation in Kiev. Instead of getting better, it gets worse. As Christians, we should be constantly praying for them.