27 de marzo de 2014

Controversial Biblical Movies

2014 promises a number of epic tales from the Bible, the latest being "Noah," starring Russell Crowe and Jennifer Connelly (out March 28). But not everyone is happy with the depictions in faith-based films. While "Noah" makes clear it's merely "inspired by" the Biblical story, that hasn't stopped the outpouring of concern and anger from those sensitive to the source material. Even before "Noah" hit theaters, it was banned in several Middle Eastern countries for contradicting the teachings of Islam with its portrayal of a prophet. 

Before having seing the movie, we can't assume what the movie us trying to portray; therefore, I can't comment since I haven't seen it yet. It can't be absolutely as the Bible story, I'm sure it has some slight differences but as long as they don't add something the Bible doesn't say, there's not problem.

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