27 de marzo de 2014

Russia might invade Ukraine

A new classified intelligence assessment concludes it is more likely than previously thought that Russian forces will enter eastern Ukraine, CNN has learned.Two administration officials described the assessment but declined to be identified due to the sensitive nature of the information.The officials emphasized that nothing is certain, but there have been several worrying signs in the past three to four days.“This has shifted our thinking that the likelihood of a further Russian incursion is more probable than it was previously thought to be,” one official said.The buildup is seen to be reminiscent of Moscow’s military moves before it went into Chechnya and Georgia in both numbers of units and their capabilities.U.S. military and intelligence officials have briefed Congress on the assessment.

Maybe this problem seems small, but if it continues developing it can turn into a Civil War, but we should pray for that not to happen. Russia is seriously concidering invading Ukraine; therefore, they should be alert for any hint of invasion.

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