20 de marzo de 2014

China has new images showing object in southern Indian Ocean

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (CNN) -- China announced that it has satellite images of a large object floating in the search area for the missing Malaysia Airlines plane, but Australian-led search teams found no sign of it Saturday.
Another day of intense searches by air and sea concluded for the night with no new clues to give families answers about the fate of the passengers and crew.
The object the Chinese photographed is 22.5 meters long and 13 meters wide (74 feet by 43 feet), officials said.
China said the satellite images showing the "suspected floating object" were captured four days ago, on March 18.

While I was reading the news, I found out that countries from central Asia to Australia are also engaged in the search along an arc drawn by authorities based on satellite pings received from the plane hours after it dissapeared. 
"We intend to continue the search until we are absolutely satisfied that further searching would be futile, and that day is not in sight," the deputy prime minister said. "We will continue the effort, we'll continue to liaise with our international allies in this search."
As everytime, there´s also people who distort the information by trying to prove this objects were ovnis.

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