20 de marzo de 2014

Rape as a Weapon in Syria

A pervasive pattern of rapes has been documented in Syria that is leading not only to the destruction of communities and families and displacement, but also to incalculable despair on the personal level. Frequently, women and girls who are raped face familial and social rejection, severe and sometimes incurable injuries, and unwanted pregnancies.
Further, the ability of impregnated rape victims to receive all necessary medical care is thwarted by United States abortion restrictions on humanitarian aid to Syria and surrounding countries. This results in the denial of safe abortion services, and victims sometimes resort to unsafe abortion and even suicide.
The media can help by pointing out the use of rape as a weapon of war wherever it occurs.

We are evidently living in the "last days" because now we can see human´s depravation growing stronger each day. We can´t prevent bad things to happen, but what we can do is pray for those people suffering from rape.

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