29 de noviembre de 2013

Sharia and Islam

CNN's Soledad O'Brien sits down with Harvard Law professor Noah Feldman, who describes the basics of Sharia law and the difference between Islam and Sharia law. O’Brien chronicles the dramatic fight over the construction of a mosque in the heart of the Bible belt on “Unwelcome: The Muslims Next Door.”

Islam comes from the root word Salaam, which means peace. It also means submitting one's will to Allah(swt).The word Salaam is also an attribute of God .In this context, it means ‘TheGiverofPeace’. Muslims greet each other with Assalaamualaikum which translates to wishing peace for one another.Even when wronged, theGlorious Qur’an advises Muslims to struggle against the temptation for hostility: "And not alike are the good and the evil. Repel (evil) with what is best,when lo!he between whom and you was enmity would be as if he were a warm friend..."(Al- Qur’an41:34)TheQur’an refers to Paradise as the“abodeofpeace”.Thus peace is a goal that Muslims are required to strive for ,In their ownselves, in their families and in their communities. It is ironical therefore, that Islam is perceived by many as being the motivation behind the want on killing of innocent people.

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. -John 14:6

Is Greece finally on the mend after economic crisis?

CNN) -- Greece is on the way to economic recovery as investor faith returns to the recession-ridden eurozone nation, an executive at Greece's largest bank has told CNN.

Petros Christodoulou, deputy chief executive of the National Bank of Greece, said that a drastic drop in government borrowing costs since the outbreak of the crisis in 2009 marks a "great improvement and a great perception of the country" by foreign investors.
Speaking to CNN's Max Foster in Athens, Christodoulou said: "Are we out of the woods with 8% yields in government debt? Not yet, but we are on the right path."
He added: "All this eventually proliferates into everything that happens in Greece, starting from the banking sector which is in the center of the economy and this is good news going forward."
Personally, I think this is only propaganda put out by the Greek Government and its Bankers to make people "think all is well" when it is not and on the edge of a major revolt in Greece.

"GREEK GOV'T ABOUT TO FALL" - Reuters Sept 27th 2013
Greece may face snap elections. Prime Minister Antonis Samaras may have to
choose going to a national ballot and fears this destabilizing after a statement from Army Special Forces telling the government to resign and be replaced, which would suspend deals Greece had under its bailouts. The tone suggested a direct intervention in the democratic process which the Greek government finds very troubling."

Credits to worldarts.

22 de noviembre de 2013

Sochi 2014: Gay athlete promises openly defiant stance at Games

CNN) -- He's unlikely to break a world record or even win a medal but New Zealand's Blake Skjellerup is likely to generate plenty of headlines if he gets to February's Winter Olympics.
The speed skater is currently the only openly gay athlete who could compete in Sochi, at a Games already tinged by Russia's controversial laws on homosexuality.
The June ruling prohibits the distribution of information to minors promoting same-sex relationships and the public discussion of gay rights, but Skjellerup has promised not to shy away from the issue.
Instead, he's planning to tackle it head on.

Is there any reason why some people don't want to respect the principles and laws of other countries? Imagine if Russia, by hosting the games, must all of a sudden abide by the laws of all competing countries? Your sexuality is a private affair.. or isn't it?

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27

"Peter´s bones and the eyes of faith"

(CNN) -- Pope Francis generally comes off as so hip, so completely at home in the 21st century, it's tempting to forget he's also a deeply religious believer and therefore sees the world fairly differently than most of his fellow celebrities and pop culture icons.

We'll get a reminder of the point on Sunday, when Francis presides over a service in Rome's Basilica of St. Peter featuring a rare public exhibit of what Catholic tradition regards as the bones of Peter, the Church's first pope.
The secular mind can't help asking, "Are these really Peter's bones?" and "How do we know?" For believers such as Francis, however, the more relevant question is, "What spiritual message do they have?"
In a nutshell, the pope, as well as the throngs of believers who'll line up to see the bones, will venerate them not on the basis of empirical evidence, but a spiritual conviction that they evoke the very origins of the papacy and of Christianity. They invite devotees to see themselves as part of a 2,000-year "communion of saints" whose original leader was a poor fisherman, who the Bible says denied Jesus three times, yet whose faith was so strong in the end that he gave his life to defend it.
The exhibit is designed to wrap up a "Year of Faith" for Catholics around the world originally launched under Pope Benedict XVI, and carried to its conclusion by Francis.
In my opinión, they are praising Peter´s bone more tan Christ itself. They see these act as a "spiritual message," but it´s absurd, since God would manifest His power by some different action rather than this. It´s really difficult to accurately establish if these were Peter´s bone. They should focus on how to preach the Gospel, instead of venerating too much this bones.

15 de noviembre de 2013

Should Our Daughters Come to Our (Gay) Wedding?

One morning when I was making breakfast before school, my second-grade daughter, fresh off her school’s diversity unit on homosexuality, decided it was time I had a lesson in gay rights. First, she said, you should never use the word “gay” in a negative way, as in “That’s so gay!” Very interesting, I said, plotting to push a little deeper into this intriguing topic. So what is “gay,” I asked? Gay is when two boys like each other, and lesbian is when two girls like each other, she explained. Did she know anyone who was gay or lesbian, I asked? “I’m pretty sure I’m a lesbian because all my friends are girls,” she declared. Did she know anyone else? “Well, Larry only plays with boys, so he must be gay.” Anyone else? Nope.

Now I happened to know that she was acquainted with at least two other gay people, so I reminded her about them. “How about me and your Dad?” I asked. She thought a minute, then shrugged her shoulders. “Oh, yeah.”

Of course, our girls (now ages 8 and 10), know we’re gay. We’ve certainly never hidden it from them, as if two guys out for a walk with a BabyBjörn and a MacLaren would be inconspicuous, even in the liberal cocoon of Upper West Side Manhattan. It’s just that while “gay” in school might be singled out for special consideration, at home we’re just our girls’ dads. No adjectives need apply.
Yet in the last month or so I’ve been wondering if our daughters’ blissful nonchalance about our sexuality was in danger of dissolving. Now that the Supreme Court has cleared the way for us to marry — and the feds have agreed to adjust the tax code and other laws accordingly — we’ll soon head to City Hall to get hitched. The question is: Should we invite the girls to the blessed event?

First of all, God created man and woman; therefore, they shouldn´t get married. They are ruining their daughter´s life. I feel so sad for them, because hearing all this things their parents teach them,  and knowing they are so mistaken. Since they are their parents, the girls will be sure that their parent´s gay marriage is something normal and a good decisión. The girl´s life will be marked forever with that mistaken conception about life. In my opinión, the girls shouldn´t go into their marriage, but the best thing would be their parents to understand that God created man and woman, not man and man relationships.

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27.


Would the Mafia target Pope Francis over Vatican reforms?

(CNN) -- "I don't know if organized criminals have the capability to do something to the Pope. But they are certainly thinking about it."

These words, uttered in a recent interview by an Italian anti-Mafia prosecutor, don't quite justify the alarming worldwide headlines they provoked, but at the same time it would be rash to dismiss them out of hand.
The new Pope represents a serious threat to some established criminal interests at a critical moment in the long history of the Mafias' relationship with Catholicism -- a past marked by both intimacy and violence.
The Pope has nothing to do with their problems. I don´t understand why they want to make him pay, something he´s not responsible for. And even if he was responsable for something he´d made, we are not call to take revenge in our enemies.The mafia should feel embarrased for their way of thinking toward a Chatolic authority.
Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord. Romans 12:19

8 de noviembre de 2013

"Sochi Winter Olympics 2014: US won't stop athletes supporting gay rights"

The head of the US Olympic Committee says he will not discourage athletes competing at next year's Winter Olympics from supporting Russian gay rights. USOC chief executive Scott Blackmun is telling athletes to be conscious of the host nation's recent anti-gay laws. Blackmun says the US Olympic movement is one of tolerance, and while he encourages those wanting to speak out to do so, athletes must be wary of the possible consequences.

I can´t believe the head of the US Olympic committee supports gay rights. We have gotten so, up to a point that huge events such as this, are allowing gays in their competitions. Kids see the competitions, and they could perceive a bad influence from this competitors. They simply shouldn´t support gay rights, that´s my point of view.

"Important archeological discoveries at Lake Karla in Thessaly"

Archeologists discover farm house, Neolithic settlement, inn, ceramic furnace and scores of artifacts.

The archeological digs in the Lake Karla in Thessaly have uncovered four sites of interest. The archeological sites were discovered during excavations that were intended to turn the lake into a main water reserve.

Amongst the finds are a huge farmhouse at “Tserli” from the Hellenistic period (2nd century BC) with many rooms and about 500 artifacts; a Neolithic settlement surrounded by a yard and scores of ceramics and later Neolithic idols at Amygdale 1; a farm house including a ceramic furnace, also from the Hellenistic period that probably operated as an inn at Amygdale 2 and parts of a stone wall, desk, graves and an interesting square construction, from the Mid Bronze Age at Amygdale 3.

The Central Archeological Council decided to preserve on-site the Hellenistic farmhouse at Tserli, with its many rooms and rectangular courtyards, as well as monuments not affected by the water reserve and which can be integrated into the naturalist promenade to be developed. The rest of the findings will be transferred nearby.

Recently, I studied the Greek civilization in my History class; therefore, this news appeared really interesting to me. I hope that with this artifacts found, archaeologists can discover and learn more about the amazing Hellenistic culture.

1 de noviembre de 2013

Europe real´s debt crisis

By Fareed Zakaria
“Europe is always thought of as having a sovereign-debt crisis, and it has. But the origins of the euro disaster lay less with government profligacy than with excessive private borrowing,” The Economist says. “True, Greece got into trouble because its government spent too much and collected too little in taxes. But elsewhere the bust followed a private-sector binge: mortgage debt in Ireland and Spain; corporate borrowing in Portugal and again in Spain (see article). In all three countries household and corporate debt combined were way over 200 percent of GDP before the crisis, much higher than in America (175 percent) or even Britain (205 percent).”

“Unfortunately, the euro zone has made less headway than other places in reducing this private-debt burden.”

Since some years ago, Greece has been falling into a serious economic crisis. The answer to this problema would require a more organized government. But first of all, they need God´s providential help, to get out from that hole. The Bible also exorts us to pay the tax that we owed, and in Greece it is said to be collected Little amounts of taxes.

Pay to all what is owed to them: taxes to whom taxes are owed, revenue to whom revenue is owed, respect to whom respect is owed, honor to whom honor is owed. Owe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law.

Romans 13:7-8


Germany accepts a third gender

(CNN Español) – Germany will become the first european country to accept a legal thrird geneder in newborns.
The government created a new category called "undetermined sex".
This will allow babies with both sex characteristics to be registered with an undefinite gender.

The German press assures that this is a "legal revolution" which is intended to avoid innecessary sufferings to people who born uncertain in their gender.

Where in the Bible says that a third gender exists? Nowhere! The Bible clearly says that God created man and woman only. I am really concerned and preoccupied about this type of thinking. We are created in God´s image, and He is the One Who desides our gender, not us.
So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27

18 de octubre de 2013

Men´s depravity equals same-sex marriage.

"French court rules mayors cannot block same-sex marriage"

(CNN) -- France's top court ruled Friday that French mayors cannot refuse to officiate same-sex marriages based on their personal, moral or religious beliefs.

The Constitutional Council ruled that the same-sex marriage law does not infringe on the mayors' "freedom of conscience" and therefore should be applied.
A group of seven mayors had filed an appeal with the Constitutional Council on September 18 stating their opposition to conducting same-sex marriage.
A bill allowing same-sex couples to marry and adopt was passed earlier this year by the French parliament and signed into law by President Francois Hollande.
A growing number of countries around the world now allow same-sex marriage, the majority of them in Europe.
The Netherlands was the first, in 2001, and it was later joined by Belgium, Spain, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Portugal, Denmark and France. A bill to allow same-sex marriage in England and Wales is also now law, though it isn't expected to come into force until 2014.
Argentina, Uruguay, Canada, Brazil, New Zealand and South Africa are the non-European countries in the group, according to the Pew Research Center.
Same-sex marriage is also legal in some parts of Mexico and the United States.
Personal Opinion
There is a doctrine called the depravity of man. It basically takes the position that due to the Fall, mankind has no desire for God, mankind enjoys being at enmity with God, and mankind will not seek Him.
  • Titus 1:15-16 - to the defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure; but both their minds and their consciences are defiled.
Men´s depravity is now present almost everywhere in our society. Reading all this list containing the countries in which same-sex marriage has been accepted by the law, it´s really sad.
  • For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12.
  • But stay awake at all times, praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that are going to take place, and to stand before the Son of Man.” Luke 21:36.

"Dean Karnazes hopes to inspire Greece with marathon effort"

The ultra-marathon expert, described by some as the fittest man on Earth, is running from Arcadia to Messinia to highlight child obesity in Greece.

Dean Karnazes is not a man to shy away from challenges: like Pheidippides, the original marathon runner who delivered the news of the Greek army's victory over invading Persian forces, he doesn't give up.

Seven years ago, he ran 50 marathons in 50 consecutive days from one coast of the US to the other. Before that he spent three days and three nights running 350 miles – the last night "sleep running" as he went. He has crossed all four of the world's great deserts, including Death Valley, the hottest place on Earth. And he's run through sub-zero temperatures to get to the south pole, the coldest place. In 2015, he hopes to traverse the world by clocking up marathons throughout the year in 204 countries.

But now the Californian has set his sights on crisis-hit Greece, the land of his forebears, where he arrived this week on a mission of endurance and hope.

"I come with a message," he said on the first day of his first visit to the Greek capital. "And that is that you are better than you think and you can go further than you think. The only limits you have are you own preconceived notions of what you can't, and can, do."

If the world had more Dean Karnazes´, I am sure that everything would be different. His optimistic, persintence and desire for improvement makes the different. I don´´t know his values, if he is Christian or not; but he absolutely has been taught the importance excellence and self-steem has in our lives. His attitude is a really good example and speaks for himself.
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. Colossians 3:23-24.

11 de octubre de 2013

"Dating website makes money off infidelity in Asia"

Hong Kong (CNN) -- AshleyMadison.com, the dating website for people seeking affairs with married individuals which claims 20 million members worldwide, has dropped another pin on its map -- Asia.

The company cast out its first line in Japan in June, reeling in under half a million members within three months, said Noel Biderman, company CEO, "making it our most successful launch ever."
The infidelity website launched in Hong Kong last month -- it's 29th market since starting 11 years ago in Canada -- and now has 80,000 members. That makes Hong Kong the most successful launch rate per capita, showing a "massive pent up demand," Biderman said.
While Asian countries are typically seen as more conservative, he says different cultural values do not diminish the demand for infidelity. "We're just trying to address a universal behavior and pattern, targeting people from all walks of life. Infidelity is in our DNA. I'm just riding a tidal wave, a social change where women lead and men follow," Biderman said.
"This is their unfaithful, sexual revolution. Infidelity trumps a lot of it, there's no culturally stopping it, no religious groups can," he said.
As Biderman said, this is a sexual revolution. In my concern, this infidelity website goes against God´s principles. Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous (Hebrews 13:4). Since we were in our mother´s womb, He had already chosen our perfect match to be married with; therefore, we shouldn´t visit this kind of websites.

"Brighter future for Pakistan's women"

By Saima Mohsin, CNN

Islamabad (CNN) -- I first came across Ziauddin Yousafzai when I interviewed him in 2007. He was running his own school and had set up a peace council in Pakistan's restive Swat Valley región.

An eloquent English speaker, he was very keen to tell me his story on air.
Our first conversation was in whispers; the Taliban had started to make inroads in the Swat Valley and were marching around the streets he told me. He was whispering as if he thought the Taliban might hear at that moment.
In a male-dominated society where the cultural oppression of women is rife, husbands, fathers, brothers -- men like Ziauddin -- are real saviors. They help their wives, sisters, daughters become all they can be; they encourage support and stand by them against all odds. The majority of women here in Pakistan that I meet know their rights, or know they are capable of much more and have huge ambitions. It's the men in Pakistan who need to respect them and support them. The men who are with them and the men in authority.
Why Malala's bravery inspires us
Yes, Pakistan needs more girls like Malala. I have met many who are, who defy the Taliban by going to school every day in the North West and tribal areas. I have met young children with little money for books and pens but who run up mountains in Kashmir and walk miles in the searing desert heat of Sindh to go to school. There any many Malalas in Pakistan. But what Pakistan really needs right now is more men like Ziauddin Yousafzai.
When I read the whole story from family, I thanked God for the liberty He offers me every day in my country, Honduras. This also make me think that not every day I thank God for his blessings. 
Every family is different, but this special family is outsanding. Even though they live in a country in which Christianity is sometimes neglected, they know how to treat ech other with love. 
Without men like Ziauddin, there will be no women like Malala.

4 de octubre de 2013

"Greek police will be rid of 'any racist elements"

By Mick Krever and Annabel Archer, CNN
Greece is determined to rid its police of “any racist elements,” Public Order Minister Nikos Dendias told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour on Thursday.

“We have ordered a full-scale investigation by the internal department of the Greek police,” Dendias said. “Please allow me to say that we are adamant in our target to clean up the Greek police from any racist elements.”

Elements of the Greek police have been widely criticized as not only targeting minority groups, but being complicit with right-wing groups like the Golden Dawn, which has a neo-Nazi following.
Greece has seen a rise in racist attacks, which are up 20% according over last year, according to the head Greece’s National Commission for Human Rights.

But the dire economic situation in Egypt, Dendias said, is no excuse.

“Unemployment does exist. An economic crisis does exist. The Greek people, the Greek society is under considerable stress,” Dendias told Amanpour from Athens. “But that is no excuse, and it will not be accepted as the excuse for the reappearance of a neo-Nazi phenomenon. Neo-Nazism is completely unacceptable.”

Prosecutors are cracking down on Golden Dawn, charging the top leadership with running a criminal organization.

The action is largely seen as a response to last month’s killing on an anti-fascist musician; he was stabbed, allegedly, but a Golden Dawn supporter.

My point of view according this happening in Greece, is that racism exists everywhere. There´s not a place where we can feel free from it. We have not the right to judge other people, only God can do it. We are humans and commit mistakes; therefore, we can´t judge other´s errors.

John 7:24
Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment.”


"Gay couple´s daughter expelled"

(CNN) -- They're a family of two fathers and one daughter. Until recently, they had lived a quiet life in an upper-class neighborhood in the Mexican city of Monterrey. But they're now at the center of a national gay rights debate in Mexico.

Their 2-year-old daughter, the couple says, was expelled from a private school in Monterrey for having two fathers.
Alex and Pepe were married in Mexico City, where same-sex marriage is legally sanctioned. They asked CNN not to make their last names public to protect their daughter's identity.
Alex, a 28-year-old who works in marketing and sales, is the girl's biological father. Pepe is a 39-year-old broker with a degree from the University of Miami.
The couple says an administrator at The Hills Institute, which also has a daycare facility, told them they would have to hide the fact that they're a same-sex couple if they wanted the girl to stay at their school.
"They were asking me to give up all of my rights as parent at the school," Alex told Telediario Monterrey, a local independent TV station. "I would've had to not participate in school or social activities. I was to not communicate with anybody nor attend together, as a family, Mother's Day or Father's Day celebrations as long as she was attending the school."
The couple found the conditions unacceptable and the school called the parents to the school a few days later only to give them the news that girl had been officially expelled.
Personally, I am really sorry for the kind of future this gay couple is giving to her daughter. At her young age of two, we already see the first consequence of her parents actions. She was expelled from her daycare, having no fault for the directors decision.
1 Corinthians 6:9-10
Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.
Watch video in:

27 de septiembre de 2013

"Rent a wife?"

By Jarrett Bellini, CNN

(CNN) -- Certain products are definitely OK to rent. Like a car. Or a tuxedo.

Things are weird at home.
But a Los Angeles-based company caught the internet's attention this week for renting something completely unexpected: wives.
Yes, the Rent-a-Wife might just be as horribly misogynistic as it sounds. Because it's pretty much what you think it is: a housekeeping and odd jobs service where renters can choose a "wife" from three pricing tiers, ranging from the Starter Wife to the Good Wife to the Trophy Wife.
The company's founder, Juliette Bresnahan, says most of her clients are actually women. So, who the hell knows?
What really matters is that, clearly, if you just surf the Web long enough, you'll find lots of really weird stuff you can rent.
Women aren´t objects to be rented. They are far more precios tan gold, diamond and precios stones. Some admiring qualities women posses are the following:
  • Excellence:
They are precios and valuable, even more valuable tan jewels as Proverbs 31:10 says: An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels. 
  • Gracious and Honorable:
Women should always be honored.
Proverbs 11:16 says: A gracious woman gets honor, and violent men get riches. 
  • Wise:
Women uses her widom to build her house.
Proverbs 14:1 confirms so:  The wisest of women builds her house, but folly with her own hands tears it down.
  • Beautiful:
Every women is unique and beatiful in her own way!
Song of Solomon 4:1 Behold, you are beautiful, my love, behold, you are beautiful! Your eyes are doves behind your veil. Your hair is like a flock of goats leaping down the slopes of Gilead.
  • Submissive:
Every wife SHALL submit to her husband.
Colossians 3:18 Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord. 

"Pay up or dry up"

LONDON (Reuters) - An offshore gas find in the Nile Delta is strong new evidence that Egypt has the resources to end power cuts and get export income flowing again. Its challenge is to persuade wary international oil companies to develop them.

In the deepest well ever drilled in the delta, some 7 km under the sea bed and in 649 metres of water, BP has found a 50 km-long structure with a hydrocarbon column over 180 metres deep, the British oil multinational announced on September 9.

With an estimated 1.2 trillion cubic feet or more, the well, named Salamat, will not by itself make a significant dent in Egypt's chronic energy shortage or revive its flagging exports. But as one of only a handful drilled into Oligocene Nile Delta rocks to date, it is suggestive of some very productive geology at these extreme depths.

"What's significant about this discovery is that it was really expensive at about $380 million to drill. Despite the high cost, BP clearly believes in the potential of some of the deeper plays," said analyst Martijn Murphy of Wood Mackenzie.

Egypt might finally get out from the hardship they´ve been through this last years. With this suitable finding, all the power cuts in Egypt might cease. I am really glad that after all the trouble they´ve passed through, this event can be the returning to peace.
I will listen to what God the LORD will say; he promises peace to his people, his saints-- but let them not return to folly.

22 de septiembre de 2013


Recently, Pope Francisco wrote a long letter adressed to the  founder of the journal La Repubblica from Italy, Eugenio Scalfari, stating the following:

  • "Atheists don´t have to believe in God to go to heaven."
  • "Non-believers are forgiven by God if they follow their conscience."
  • "The problem for those who don´t believe in God is obey their conscience."
  • "Sin, even for those who lack faith, originates when people desobey their conscience."

1.First of all, the Bible clearly says that the only way to see heaven is by believing in Him.

John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Mark 16:16
Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.

John 5:24
“Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life."

2. We are not called to follow our conscience, but the Holy Spirit´s guidance.

Proverbs 3: 5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

John 16:13
When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come.

John 14:26
But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.

3.  PEACE AND HOPE. God´s grace saved us through faith.

Ephesians 2:8
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.

Romans 5:1
Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.


20 de septiembre de 2013

"Syria Rebels Agree Azaz Ceasefire"

Two Syrian rebel groups in the town of Azaz have agreed a ceasefire.

The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (Isis), linked to al-Qaeda, seized the northern town on Wednesday from the larger Western-backed Free Syrian Army. Fighting between rebel groups has raised fears of a war within a war.

The clashes come ahead of a deadline, on Saturday, for Syria to provide a list of its chemical weapons facilities as part of a US-Russian deal for the country to destroy its deadly arsenal.

Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister, Sergei Ryabkov, is currently holding talks in Damascus about the deal. But the agreement still faces many hurdles - including the differing opinions of the US and Russia.

US Secretary of State John Kerry said a "definitive" UN report had proved that the Syrian government was behind a deadly chemical weapons attack in the Damascus suburbs of Ghouta on 21 August.

Hearing or reading the news and knowing the Syrian Civial War has jet not come into an end, is really sad, since many innocent kids and adults are dying every single day. The feeling of unableness for not having a solution in our hands, is the worst. We desire to end this war, sadly, we can´t do something to help them, just our prayers.


Mother Kills Her Autistic 14 Year-Old Son to Avoid Him From "Suffering"

WASHINGTON D.C., 17 Jun. 13.- Dorothy Spourdalakis killed her son Alex, a 14 year-old teenager in the city of Chicago (United States), stabbing four times his chest and two times his heart. The crime counted with the complicity of Alex´s young godmother, Jolanta Agatha Skrodzka, who was in charge of the boy´s care

According to the authorities, the woman decided to kill the teenager in consideration that his "emotional life had decayed". Moments after finishing with Alex´s life, both women killed the family cat, in order him to avoid in a shelter. They tried to commit suicide by drinking pills, but their plan failed.

After reding news such degree of coldness towards life, my heart truly feels sad, since we are not valuing life anymore. Only God has the right to take someone´s life, it does not matter if he or she is suffering, He has a plan for us and knows when is the right moment to take us with Him.

When human´s hearts are away from God, what else can we expect?


13 de septiembre de 2013

"Al Qaeda Calls For Attacks in USA"

Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri is calling for small-scale attacks inside the U.S. A few attacks “here and there” would “bleed America economically by provoking it to continue in its massive expenditure on its security,” he said in a speech released online a day after the September 11 anniversary. Meanwhile in Afghanistan, U.S. and Afghan forces defended the American Consulate against an attack by Taliban insurgents in the usually peaceful city of Herat. Two Afghan police and one guard along with seven of the insurgents were killed in the attack, which started in the early morning with at least one suicide bomb that breached the perimeter and led to a gunfight.

In my opinión, every regret should be left in God´s hands. In the 9/11, many innocent people died, just because Al-Qaeda desired to send a message to the U.S.

It was not a religion that attacked us that September day. It was al-Qaeda. We will not sacrifice the liberties we cherish or hunker down behind walls of suspicion and mistrust.  -Barack Obama.

News taken from: http://worldnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/09/13/20473671-al-qaeda-calls-for-attacks-inside-united-states?lite

Zimbabwean Expects Her Son´s Child and Her Grand Child

MASVINGO- A 40-year-old mother is set to marry her own son.  The woman and her son claim to be in love with each other.  And now they want to take their relationship to the next level and get married considering that the mother, Betty Mbereko is now six months pregnant and expecting her son’s child and her grand child.
 Mbereko, 40,  has been a widow for the past 12 years and has been living with her 23-years-old son  Farai Mbereko.
 She confirms that she is six month pregnant and that she has decided it is better to “marry” her son because she does not want to marry her late husband’s young brothers, whom she says are coveting her.

This is a vivid example of how our society is falling to ruins rapidly. Personally, I found this act repulsive because we are not supossed to marry or have children with our own family.
Genesis 2:24               
Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.

This Bible verse in Genesis, clearly and without confusion says that a man shall leave his mother, and marry to his wife to become one flesh.

30 de agosto de 2013


 -(CNN)- Declaring himself "war-weary" but determined to hold Syria accountable for using banned chemical weapons, President Barack Obama said Friday he was considering a limited response to what U.S. intelligence assessed with "high confidence" as a Syrian attack that killed more than 1,400 people.
Obama told reporters he had yet to make a final decision, but hinted at a military strike that sources and experts say would entail cruise missiles fired from U.S. Navy ships at Syrian command targets -- but not at any chemical weapons stockpiles.
"It is not in the national security interests of the United States to ignore clear violations" of what he called an "international norm" banning the use of chemical weapons, Obama said at a meeting with visiting heads of Baltic nations Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.
He called the Syrian attack a "challenge to the world" that threatens U.S. allies Israel, Turkey and Jordan while increasing the risk of such weapons falling into the hands of terrorists.
President Bashar al-Assad's government has claimed that jihadists fighting with the rebels carried out the chemical weapons attacks on August 21 to turn global sentiments against it, a claim dismissed by Obama and others who say there is no evidence to support that claim.

The Bible is the Word of God and helps us in the guidance of our life. When it concerns to an issue like war, many people assume they know what the Bible says about it, without actually studying it. This Syrian Civil War is happening in our physical world. Here in Honduras, thanks God, we are not passing through a harsh momento like this one, but we do are dealing with a spiritual war.  For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms (Ephesians 6:12). Remember we are Christian Soldiers in an ongoing spiritual battle and God and His Word can help us to lead others to a saving faith through Christ Jesus.

Jesus has already overcome the world!
"These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world." -John 16:33


28 de agosto de 2013

-Male and Female He created-

President Vladimir Putin recently signed another law that restricts the adoption of Russian children by people living in countries that recognize same-sex marriage.

As a Christian Orthodox, President Putin has been making really good decisions concerning this ¨polemic¨ conflict. In my opinion, I surely am in agreement with Putin´s  point of view, because God created man and woman so that they together partake the duty of being parents. If a kid is raised in a same-sex family, he or she won´t be blessed to have both of the following: the love and advice a mother offers and the knowledge a father gives throughout time, they could experience only one of these two.

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27

Nobody is born gay because God is perfect and doesn't make mistakes. He didn't accidentally make somebody gay.

Pitifully, globally homosexuality has been accepted at most in Spain (88%), Germany (87%), the Czech Republic (80%) and Canada (80%). A smaller majority of people in the United States (60%) also thought it should be accepted.
